Reebok Europe

The new owner of Reebok, Authentic Brands Group, has partnered in Europe with the New Guards Group.

New Guards Group offers brands the design, production, and distribution. It was acquired by the ecommerce company Farfetch Ltd. for ~US$ 675 Mill. in 2019.

Reebok Europa

Der neue Eigentümer von Reebok, Authentic Brands Group, schloss eine Partnerschaft für Europa mit  New Guards Group.

New Guards Group bietet Marken das Design, Produktion und Distribution. 2019 erwarb das E-Commerce Unternehmen Farfetch Ltd. die New Guards Group für  ~675 Mill. US Dollar.

Luxury in DE

Almost 10% of Germans are luxury consumers, roughly 8 Mill. people. That is +3 Mill. since 2011, or +60%.

They are dining in top restaurants, staying in luxury hotels, wearing expensive sportswear. And they own, or plan to buy jewelry, eyewear, watches, etc.

Exclusive brands are their preference.

The group has changed very little over the last 10 years. Mostly they are 50+ and married. They are well educated, and are living in the suburbs.

What changed are their financials, to the better. The average household income increased by ~15%. The free, spendable income increased by ~ 30%.