Brand News

Wie erschliesst man sich Indien?

Die US Modemarke Guess ? (Jahresumsatz $ 729 Mio.) hat einen Lizenzvertrag für Indien unterzeichnet.

Der Lizenznehmer hält bereits ein Portfolio an Markenlizenzen, u. a. von Puma, Marks & Spencer, Speedo und Converse.

Auch andere westliche Modemarken haben oder wollen den rasant wachsenden Markt
in Indien via Lizenz betreten, so z. B. auch Giorgio Armani.

Real Brand Value

Tulip Computers NV of Holland is said to have finalized the sale of the brand Commodore and all related business. The purchase price was given at 24 Mill. Euros, payable in portions until 2010.

This actual price paid for this globally known brand should bring back to reality some experts and their inflated estimates of brand value.

The real value of a brand is exactly, what someone is willing to pay for it.
And not, what some people calculate with mysterious formulas.

How to enter the Indian Market?

US apparel brand Guess?, has entered into a licensing agreement to market the brand in India.

The US company, which notched up $729.3 million in revenue last calendar year, designs, markets, distributes and licenses lifestyle collections of casual apparel and accessories for men, women and children that reflect American lifestyle and European fashions.

For the licensee, Guess? is not its first overseas brand in the country. It is the exclusive franchisee for Marks & Spencer and has the licensing rights to brands including Wilson, Puma, Speedo and Converse.

Industry sources also say there are other global labels that are finalising their Indian foray. One company is understood to have signed an agreement to bring the leading European apparel brand Esprit.

The company is also in an advanced stage of negotiations to sign a licensing agreement with Italian clothing brand Giorgio Armani.

Timex Healthcare: It’s About Time

The Timex Accu-Curve Thermometer, the unique mercury-free thermometer curved for improved accuracy and comfort, is available at major retail stores nationwide.

Headquartered in Middlebury, Connecticut, Timex Corporation, the largest selling watch brand in America, signed a multi-year licensing agreement to design, manufacture, market and sell medical devices for the home such as digital thermometers under the Timex brand name.

For more than 50 years, the Timex name has been synonymous with innovation, reliability, durability and affordability – powerfully relevant attributes for home healthcare products such as digital thermometers and many other consumer goods.

The licensee specializes in designing, manufacturing, marketing and distributing medication management products including medication reminder devices that provide consumers with
solutions for better health.

Massive Zunahme von Werbe-Spam für gefälschte Luxusartikel

Die Menge an Spam für gefälschte Luxusartikel ist nach Angaben des Internet-Portalbetreibers Lycos im vergangenen Jahr um 400 % gestiegen.

Allein 133 Millionen solcher unerwünschten Werbe-E-Mails von Marken-Piraten habe Lycos vergangenes Jahr in Deutschland abgefangen, teilte das Unternehmen mit.

“Im Jahr 2003 gab es noch etwa 35 Millionen Werbemails, die gefälschte Luxus-Artikel beworben haben”, sagte Felicitas Piegsda-Rohowski, Managing Director von Lycos Deutschland. “Dieses Aufkommen an Luxus-Spam hat sich im letzten Jahr nahezu vervierfacht.”

An erster Stelle unter den Top 5 der am häufigsten kopierten Marken steht Lycos zufolge der Uhrenhersteller Rolex: Unter den 133 Millionen registrierten Mails hatten Werbungen für Rolex-Uhren einen Anteil von 10 Prozent.
An zweiter und dritter Stelle rangierten die Marken Louis Vuitton und Burberry, gefolgt von Abercrombie & Fitch und Lacoste.

“Für derart beworbene Marken hat sich Luxus-Spam zu einer ernsthaften Bedrohung entwickelt, und betroffene Marketingverantwortliche stehen vor einer großen Herausforderung”, sagte Piegsda-Rohowski.