Top 10 categories of brand loyalty

WWD reports from a study by America’s research group:

Women covet their beauty brands.

Of the 10 products listed here, four are in personal care.

Female shoppers have a penchant for buying brand-name cosmetics, which translates to all beauty products, too, said Britt Beemer, chairman and founder of America’s Research Group.

The survey of 1,264 women who are primary household decision-makers also revealed that brand names matter even when it comes to daily sundries such as coffee or laundry product purchases.

1. Bath Soap

2. Health and beauty aids

3. Hair products

4. Soft Drinks

5. Mayonnaise

6. Laundry products

7. Hand and body lotion

8. Over-the-counter medicines/pain relievers

9. Coffee

10. Shoes